Deleting Images without Scores

If you are in the practice of leaving uninteresting drops un-scored, you can save disk space by executing an image management tasks that is designed to find and delete un-scored images.




To delete un-scored images:

  1. On the Explorer, click the Imaging folder and open the Image Management sub-folder. Double-click New Image Management Task to open the image management task page.
  2. Drag your experiment folder to the Preview Search Paths area.

Drag Your Experiment Folder

  1. Right-click on the Actions column, select New Action.
  2. On the Operation , click Delete.
  3. Using either a Basic Search or an Advanced Search, define your search parameters:
  4. Click Start to start the search.
  5. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to execute the image management task without first previewing the results. Click Yes to execute the search and delete process, or No to display a preview of the results before the deletion occurs.


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